Lier Dungelhoeff

  • 98 apartments
  • 655 m² commercial space
  • 94 parking places
  • 11178 m² project surface


CLIENT(S): Dungelhoeff Private (50% Matexi & 50% Cordeel)

Architecture: LAA, Collectief Noord en Raum architecten
Techniques: Arcadis
Landscape architecture: Landinzicht Landschapsarchitecten

LOCATION: Kazernedreef, Lier
TOTAL COSTS (EXCL. VAT): 16.700.000 €
BVO in m²: 12.410 m²

2010 start development
2013 start realisation
2017 expected completion date


In 1998 the city of Lier purchased the erstwhile Dungelhoeff barracks and established a master plan for its redevelopment. The demolition of a number of structures created a wonderful open space that contrasts nicely with the built-up area towards the city centre, the station and Schilderswijk. On the one hand, the Spatial Implementation Plan Dungelhoeff determined that a number of buildings of historic value should be repurposed. On the other hand the facade line of the private properties was determined with great precision. Moreover, this zone had to include an uninterrupted construction-free green area of at least 8,300 m². In an integral PPP development, Matexi and Cordeel converted the former military site into a high-quality residential and work environment with approximately 100 residential units in the form of park apartments or apartments in the residential end building. The entire site is conceived as a large car-free park, with cars relegated to underground parking. Ideal for safe walking, playing, resting and enjoying. There are also services and recreational options. The new city offices and police station are situated around the Parade square. In addition to the already present subtropical swimming pool ‘De Waterperels’ there is also a diving club and a pétanque club. There are shops, hospitality businesses and a day care centre in the immediate vicinity

Grondaanzicht van de appartementen

For over 20 years now Matexi has focused on inner-city reconversion projects, redevelopment of both historical heritage buildings and former industrial sites and vacant, obsolete buildings. These transformation projects fit perfectly with today´s emphasis on dealing carefully with the available space.

We ´reprogramme´ existing buildings (whether they have been classified for preservation by the government or not) so that they meet contemporary standards, with full respect for their historical and architectural value. Such as an earlier barracks, an old hospital, a vacant office building, a former brewery.

Matexi encourages neighbourhoods where we can simultaneously live, shop, work, go to school and relax. So we reduce the use of autos and a neighbourhood remains alive long after school is over and offices have closed. Inner-city core reinforcement with sufficient neighbourhood amenities encourages not only the neighbourhood experience, it also brings the people who live there closer to one another.

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