Roeselare Het Laere

  • 190 apartments
  • 14 homes
  • 258 parking places
  • 18.000 m² project surface


CLIENT(S): Matexi
Architecture: Bildt. architecten
Landscape architecture: BurO Goen / INFRAbureau Demey

LOCATION: Kattenstraat, 8800 Roeselare
BVO in m²: 39.098

2011 start development
2025 expected completion date


The rezoning of the site will turn it into a pleasant residential area where residents can enjoy a walk or bike ride through the urban greenery. The 240 residential units are connected to the city’s heat network and have solar panels, insulating glass and underfloor heating. Het Laere was awarded the Tree Award in 2018. Tree nursery Ebben created the sustainable award-winning landscape project at Het Laere.

Appartementen van het Roeselare Het Laere