Mechelen Lamot

  • 35 apartments
  • 7 homes
  • 3546 m² commercial space
  • 946 m² catering industry
  • 946 m² offices
  • 230 parking places
  • 10000 m² project surface


CLIENT(S): Stad Mechelen, Groep GL en Matexi

Architecture: Architektenkoöperatief, 51N4E
Landscape architecture: Secchi & Vigano

LOCATION: Haverwerf, 2800 Mechelen
TOTAL COSTS (EXCL. VAT): 15.000.000 €
BVO in m²: 10.725 m²

1999 start development
2001 start realisation
2006 expected completion date

For over 20 years now Matexi has focused on inner-city reconversion projects, redevelopment of both historical heritage buildings and former industrial sites and vacant, obsolete buildings. These transformation projects fit perfectly with today´s emphasis on dealing carefully with the available space.

´Brownfield´ is a term used for grounds that - due to the presence of soil pollution - are no longer suitable for use. Such industrial grounds often enjoy a good location, close to the urban centre. We clean them up, integrate them into the urban fabric and redevelop them into lively new residential neighbourhoods.

We ´reprogramme´ existing buildings (whether they have been classified for preservation by the government or not) so that they meet contemporary standards, with full respect for their historical and architectural value. Such as an earlier barracks, an old hospital, a vacant office building, a former brewery.

All stakeholders are involved in a ´participatory process´ when a new residential neighbourhood is designed: the local community - the nearby residents and their possible associations - as well as local government authorities, social housing companies, roads and traffic, nature and forest, … Goal: a residential neighbourhood with which and in which everyone can have a wonderful life; and a project that is welcome in the neighbourhood.

Matexi encourages neighbourhoods where we can simultaneously live, shop, work, go to school and relax. So we reduce the use of autos and a neighbourhood remains alive long after school is over and offices have closed. Inner-city core reinforcement with sufficient neighbourhood amenities encourages not only the neighbourhood experience, it also brings the people who live there closer to one another.

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